Thursday, April 15, 2010

Madison County Sunrise

Before heading out on the trail to Cathedral Canyon for a shoot for Rural Missouri I couldn't resist stopping and snapping some shots of this barn. I had a great warming sun coming over the hills above the St. Francis River and a perfect subject. Mornings like this one make me not miss the mountains as much. I long for the west all the time but I love Missouri way too much to leave her. Out west it is hard to not take a bad photo but here in Missouri we do not have the large, grand vistas and valleys and peaks as the Rockies, so the creative eye must work harder. I love doing this because it really works my photographic ability and allows me to slow down and look at beauty on any level. So no offense to my buddies living the mountain life, which I am jealous of, but I'll keep my Missouri for a while.

This first image is actually a composite of two images. One exposed for the sky and one for the foreground and gate. I combined the two and erased some of one layer. I could have just done this in HDR, but sometimes HDR conversion through Photoshop looks funky so I opted out. I really need to get Photomatikix Pro or something like that.

Also a thanks to everyone who follows me. The past few weeks I have seen some great support from my friends and admirers and really appreciate it. You are the real reasons I am constantly out there shooting. Nothing makes me more happy to show people beautiful scenes or an awesome place to check out.


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