Friday, February 20, 2009 three

on central ave. (route 66) there is the Man's Hat Shop. This place has been around since 1946 and can outfit anyone with a great cowboy hat. The owner's father even supplied the first marlboro man with a hat.

The Man's Hat Shop - Albuquerque, NM

Bill Sisk helps out a customize with a gift certificate she was giving to her husband. She wasnt sure on what hat size he wanted and Sisk just suggested he come in and get fitted personally by himself.

French photographer Joel Halioua tries out a cowboy hat for a potential purchase. Joel was in town for the NANPA conference such as I was but upon entering the store I just thought he was another crazy european tourist. Little did I know he is one of the "in" guys for photographers in Europe. We exchanged cards. Hopefully he sees this post soon.

Quite a character Joel is as he jokes with his friend John.

Bill Sisk checks out Joel.

Stacks of hats fill the store.

I am hoping to shoot more tomorrow...we will see.

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