Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Football Season is upon us

College Football. Yes, it is that time again. Cannot wait. MIZ....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pinnacles Field

Found this photo from my archives today while doing some housekeeping. This field is on the ridge above the Pinnacles Youth Conservation Area, north of Columbia. This park is a cool place for an afternoon hike, picnic or walkabout. The 80 foot spire of limestone that remains is quite a site to see. Any only 15 minutes north of Columbia!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Strongman Steve

Strongman Steve Schmidt performs at the 2010 Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. As a part of Rural Missouri's 'People from our pages' exhibit in the Missouri Electric Cooperatives' Building. Check out more of the Strongman at www.steveschmidtmo.com.

Governor Jay Nixon even stopped by to see his amazing tricks. He bent a draft horseshoe for him.

He then bent another shoe into a heart for the first lady Georganne Nixon.

See the World!....in Missouri

Images from my "world-traveling."











A few scenic shots from Paris...Missouri that is. Check back soon for more images from my 'See the World...in Missouri' photo essay!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our state fair is a great state fair....

Images from my time at the 2010 Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. Sorry no pictures of Gooberburgers or Kahdie's BBQ. Just good old fashioned Americana!